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Missing SNPs warning

A matched LD reference panel is vital for the analysis of GWAS summary statistics.

When running sHDL (or HDL), you may encounter the following warning message:

More than 1% SNPs in reference panel are missed ...
This may generate bias in estimation.
Please make sure that you are using correct reference panel.  

By default, sHDL (or HDL) fills GWAS z-scores with zeros when SNPs in the LD reference panel are missing.


To address this issue, we provide a function to rebuild the LD reference panel by removing missed SNPs.


  • For GWAS summary statistics with severe missingness, the heritability may be severely underestimated and the efficiency might be lost.
  • This rebuilding process does not resolve the mismatch of cross-ancestry LD structures.


Suppose you have gone through this tutorial and

  • prepared the LD reference panel,
  • installed the sHDL and HDL packages.

In this example, we will demo with the QCed UK Biobank Axiom Array (307,519 SNPs) reference panel.

Simulate mismatched GWAS SNPs

To simulate mismatched GWAS SNPs, we randomly subset 80% of SNPs from the LD reference panel.

LD.path <- '/your/path/to/UKB_array_SVD_eigen90_extraction'
all.snps <-, lapply(sHDL:::list.LD.ref.files(LD.path, suffix='.bim'), read.table, header=FALSE))[, 2]
gwas.snps <- sample(all.snps, size=floor(length(all.snps) * 0.8), replace=FALSE)

Re-build the LD reference panel

We rebuild the LD reference panel with gwas.snps and store the new LD reference panel to /path/to/new/UKB_array_SVD_eigen90_extraction.

This process may take a while, you can put the following code into a script and run in the background with nohup. <- '/path/to/new/UKB_array_SVD_eigen90_extraction'
sHDL.rebuild.ref(LD.path, gwas.snps,, nthreads = 8) # run with 8 CPU cores

Down below message in the console during the process:

Cleaning the new directory...
Updating chr1_1 in 21.80 seconds: 6477 (out of 8090) SNPs are kept.
Updating chr1_2 in 21.22 seconds: 6468 (out of 8090) SNPs are kept.
Updating chr1_3 in 21.69 seconds: 6493 (out of 8090) SNPs are kept.
Updating chr2_1 in 21.14 seconds: 6502 (out of 8156) SNPs are kept.
Updating chr2_2 in 21.81 seconds: 6558 (out of 8156) SNPs are kept.
Updating chr2_3 in 22.30 seconds: 6487 (out of 8154) SNPs are kept.
Updating chr3_1 in 15.25 seconds: 5573 (out of 6935) SNPs are kept.
Updating chr3_2 in 14.38 seconds: 5502 (out of 6935) SNPs are kept.
Updating chr3_3 in 14.37 seconds: 5524 (out of 6935) SNPs are kept.
Updating chr4_1 in 37.38 seconds: 7905 (out of 9777) SNPs are kept.
Updating chr4_2 in 37.14 seconds: 7870 (out of 9776) SNPs are kept.
Updating chr5_1 in 31.47 seconds: 7363 (out of 9260) SNPs are kept.
Updating chr5_2 in 31.76 seconds: 7396 (out of 9260) SNPs are kept.
Updating chr6_1 in 3.75 seconds: 3054 (out of 3825) SNPs are kept.
Updating chr6_2 in 13.50 seconds: 5386 (out of 6757) SNPs are kept.
Updating chr6_3 in 14.17 seconds: 5431 (out of 6756) SNPs are kept.
Updating chr7_1 in 25.18 seconds: 6931 (out of 8576) SNPs are kept.
Updating chr7_2 in 27.01 seconds: 6880 (out of 8575) SNPs are kept.
Updating chr8_1 in 20.67 seconds: 6347 (out of 7954) SNPs are kept.
Updating chr8_2 in 21.24 seconds: 6389 (out of 7953) SNPs are kept.
Updating chr9_1 in 15.26 seconds: 5575 (out of 6949) SNPs are kept.
Updating chr9_2 in 14.73 seconds: 5579 (out of 6948) SNPs are kept.
Updating chr10_1 in 19.80 seconds: 6200 (out of 7742) SNPs are kept.
Updating chr10_2 in 20.10 seconds: 6138 (out of 7741) SNPs are kept.
Updating chr11_1 in 17.51 seconds: 5962 (out of 7513) SNPs are kept.
Updating chr11_2 in 17.70 seconds: 6038 (out of 7513) SNPs are kept.
Updating chr12_1 in 17.84 seconds: 5964 (out of 7470) SNPs are kept.
Updating chr12_2 in 17.99 seconds: 5983 (out of 7469) SNPs are kept.
Updating chr13_1 in 8.01 seconds: 4386 (out of 5495) SNPs are kept.
Updating chr13_2 in 8.21 seconds: 4433 (out of 5495) SNPs are kept.
Updating chr14_1 in 7.03 seconds: 4076 (out of 5094) SNPs are kept.
Updating chr14_2 in 6.39 seconds: 3979 (out of 5094) SNPs are kept.
Updating chr15_1 in 6.50 seconds: 4026 (out of 5023) SNPs are kept.
Updating chr15_2 in 6.45 seconds: 4021 (out of 5023) SNPs are kept.
Updating chr16_1 in 8.47 seconds: 4494 (out of 5592) SNPs are kept.
Updating chr16_2 in 8.46 seconds: 4472 (out of 5591) SNPs are kept.
Updating chr17_1 in 6.92 seconds: 4123 (out of 5172) SNPs are kept.
Updating chr17_2 in 6.98 seconds: 4115 (out of 5171) SNPs are kept.
Updating chr18_1 in 38.63 seconds: 7818 (out of 9783) SNPs are kept.
Updating chr19_1 in 26.94 seconds: 6991 (out of 8711) SNPs are kept.
Updating chr20_1 in 25.60 seconds: 6797 (out of 8512) SNPs are kept.
Updating chr21_1 in 6.81 seconds: 3957 (out of 4988) SNPs are kept.
Updating chr22_1 in 8.26 seconds: 4352 (out of 5420) SNPs are kept.
[1] "/path/to/new/UKB_array_SVD_eigen90_extraction"

Test the new LD reference panel

  • Test sHDL::sHDL

    data(gwas1.example, package='HDL')
    M <- nrow(gwas1.example)
    D <- rbinom(M, 1, 0.1) # random D vector
    names(D) <- gwas1.example$SNP
    res.sHDL <- sHDL(
      D, gwas1.example,, nthreads=4,
      stepwise=TRUE, lam.cut=1, Dr.path=NULL, mode="memory"
    # Formating GWAS summary statistics ...
    # 246015 out of 246015 (100%) SNPs in reference panel are available in the GWAS.
    # Converting z (D) to zr (Dr) ...
    # Applied `minmax` weight nomalization on 24634 (10.013)% annotated variants.
    # The upper boundary for enrichment fold is 9.987.
    # Optimizing ...
    # Optimization done in 27.523 seconds.
    # time  27.5229136943817
    # fold  1
    # h2  0.150313183380116
    # intercept 0.985128189915527
    # 0.126907671398178
    # 0.00564781178384186
    #  0.012627945250898
    # fold.p  1
    # h2.p  4.62367704900812e-156
    # intercept.p 0
    # stepwise  TRUE
    # converged TRUE
  • Test HDL::HDL.h2

    data(gwas1.example, package='HDL')
    # 246015 out of 246015 (100%) SNPs in reference panel are available in the GWAS.
    # Estimation is ongoing ... 100%
    # Integrating piecewise results
    # Point estimate:
    # Heritability:  0.1407
    # Continuing computing standard error with jackknife
    # Progress... 100%
    # Heritability:  0.1407 (0.0073)
    # P:  8.09e-82
    # $h2
    # [1] 0.1407243
    # $
    # [1] 0.007344952
    # $P
    # [1] 8.093035e-82
    # $eigen.use
    # [1] 0.9